Vimala Teaching Raja Yoga for the Barcelona IYC TT
Understanding is key to change. But to change we first need to reveal what is hidden… and that is one of the main goals of yoga, to lift the veil of ignorance, or as Sri Swami Satchidananda said: “…only the light of understanding will remove the darkness of ignorance.” That is what the mantra ”Asato Ma Sad Gamaya” -which we chant in class- says: “Lead us from darkness (ignorance) to the Light (wisdom).”
Our Raja Yoga course is just about that: understanding. It forces us to look within, so we can become more aware of the different ways in which we think, talk and act. It gives us practical tools to align them, so we can be more authentic.
This Raja Yoga course has put me in touch with myself. I am much more aware of my thoughts, actions, reactions, and words. It has also helped me cope with feelings of doubt, anger, confusion, hurt, indecisiveness and frustration. It has also taught me how to overcome many of these obstacles. It has given me the tools to become unstuck, the tools to calm my mind and I truly listen to my heart.
I now know my path is a long one, and while I don’t know how long I will be wandering for, I do know that I don’t feel as lost, I have a sense of direction, and have found a little light inside myself which I will continue to nurture and encourage to shine.
Imperfections of Life, Mandala Series, 2010
We will continue to offer Raja Classes throughout the year. Please look at the calendar for more information.
May you find the light of wisdom within,
May you enjoy good health, love and peace,
With love and respect, Om shanti
Nora Vimala Pozzi, E-RYT500, C-IAYT, PRYT, YACEP
YogaHelps Studio, director/owner
Certified Raja Yoga Teacher, YCat (Yoga for Cancer)
Certified Yoga Therapist (PRYT & IY)
DISCLAIMER: The yoga therapy components of my instruction and/or practice are based on my Certification by IAYT, not derived from my status as an RYT® with Yoga Alliance Registry